
Coming up: Family and Friends use plan

We have now set up a new plan for “family and friends use” at 123 shared space.

You can have a home-party at a stylish and relaxing environment.


<Available dates and hours>
Weekends and holidays 9:00〜21:00



< Price>

5,000 yen/day(excl. tax)



<Available facilities>

Tables, chairs, electric plugs, wi-fi, water, electric pot, microwave, fridge, kitchen, tablewares, projector, amp



<Important notes>

・This plan is just for use with families and friends who do not aim at any profitable activities. If we find out any violation from this rule, certain penalty will be imposed.

・In order to avoid any congested situation, maximum number of people at one use will be limited to 15.
・The place offers high-ceiling and well-ventilized atmosphare
・We have alcohol for disinfection and masks. Anyone with fever or any suspected symptoms will not be allowed to used the space.



<Inquiry and reservation>

You can contact us from website or any SNS including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LINE.

English is always available!




<123 LINE official account>








