
We have launched a new co-working plan

Anyone in trouble concentrating on your work, at too distracting home environment?

We have a good plan for you!

Now 123 is available as a working space with very relaxing atmosphere at reasonable price.


<Working hours>
Weekdays 7:00〜23:00

Once registered, you can come and out at any time above.


8,000 yen/month(Maximum 3 people can be registered at a time with +1,000 yen per one additional applicant)

Please note that if you are in the same registration team, only one of you can use the place at a time.


<Available facilities>
Tables, chairs, electirc sockets, wi-fi, water, microwave, electric pot


<Other notes>

・Maximum users at a time will be limited to 10 people in order to avoid any congested situation

・The place offers high-ceiling and well-ventilized atmosphare
・We have alcohol for disinfection and masks. Anyone with fever or any suspected symptoms will not be allowed to used the space.


<Inquiry and registration>

You can contact us from website or any SNS including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LINE.

English is always available!


<123 LINE official account>


